St Joseph's Parish Hall - NOTICE
Following the recent completion of a programme of upgrading within the Church ( a programme which saw us deliver new lighting, a fresh coat of paint and a new boiler system ) we moved forward with our upgrade of the Church estate to the parish hall.
We are currently carrying out repairs and Health and Safety decrees that we temporarily CLOSE the hall whilst this work is ongoing.
We will of course keep you up to date with progress of this work here on Facebook, Twitter and also on the Parish Website.
A Parish Maintenance Committee has been appointed as a sub-committee of the Parish Council.
The maintenance committee is made up of those with skills, experience, dedication and commitment to the management of the property we use, and know, as our place of worship, and gathering.
The committee is supported by other groups that have been in place for as long as the property has existed and provide grounds and other general maintenance.
The ground maintenance includes grass cutting, tree, flower and shrub maintenance, all done by a group of qualified volunteers, who kindly give their time and equipment to the task.
General domestic maintenance is voluntarily provided mainly by ladies of the parish.
The presentation of the Church and its grounds is a testament to their commitment.
Maintenance of the property is however a challenging task that requires efficient, effective, and targeted activity by us all, no matter what level or extent.
Support in this task is invited and welcomed in any form.
This invitation takes into account compliance, expectation, and requirement, to meet our changing regulation and developing environment.
Health and Safety and Fire Risk assessment feature in our daily lives as we work, make use of public places, and other places of gathering. It also applies to our place of worship at St Joseph’s.
Health and safety and fire risk development over the years has resulted in a need to adjust, implement, and manage regulation and our present status.
To move forward, and to assess and maintain existing facilities at St Joseph’s, Health and Safety and Fire Risk assessments have been carried out at the Church and the Church Hall.
The assessment reports have identified areas that require maintenance in order to meet standards, and prevent fabric deterioration.
Representatives of the Maintenance Committee have met with those providing reports on the subjects.
Issues arising from the reports were numerous and graded according to priority and risk.
A Safety Action Plan has been prepared to address those issues identified and the committee is active in its implementation.
The response to the report and plan is multi layered but begins in areas identified as high priority.
Issues considered to be of a high physical risk have already been dealt with.
Policies and procedures did feature in the report with some areas considered to be in the high priority category.
Related Policies and Procedures exist within the Diocese and are being implemented locally in order to address this.
Excluding Policies and Procedures there are now no areas of high priority or high risk in the Church.
The Church can be considered a safe environment for us all.
The structure of the Church Hall has, although not featuring in the health and safety or fire risk report, been subject to investigation. This investigation is ongoing and has resulted in its temporary closure.
The cause of the closure is considered to be a treatable structural issue.
Application made for permission to replace the doors and windows in the hall prior to its temporary closure has been granted by the local authority. Fund raising to meet the cost of this project has already begun and all donations are welcome. The programme for replacement will be announced in the near future.
Health and Safety and Fire Risk Reports
Issues arising from the reports are being actively addressed with a number already completed.
A broken manhole cover at the front of the Church considered a high risk has been replaced and now meets the safety standard. The materials were kindly donated by a local business.
Paths around the Church have been assessed and a programme of repair is ongoing.
Portable First Aid kits have been fixed in easily accessible areas of the Church and Church Hall.
The kits display information that may be necessary should their use be required.
Hazards around the votive candle stand within the Church have been removed.
All fire extinguishers within the Church and Church hall have been inspected. Three have been replaced.
All extinguishers have been wall mounted in easily accessible and clearly seen areas. Luminous signs, of an approved type, giving information on the extinguishers have been fixed at each location.
Lighting and emergency lighting has been fitted to the Church and Church Hall.
A programme of electrical work, including the testing of all equipment used in the Church and Church Hall, is nearing completion.
The maintenance committee will continue in its endeavour, with the help and assistance of others, to ensure that the property meets the required standards.