The St Joseph's Parish Council in its current format was set up by Father Thomas in 2020 and meets each month where possible. Known officially as The Parish Pastoral Council, it is made up of seven members from St Joseph's who are already actively engaged within the parish. The council members collectively meet to work through items on the monthly agenda, This may be reports back from each members area of responsibility and feedback to the parishioners to ensure clarity. Recently, a properties committee was set up by the Council and is now up and running. The properties committee was set up to ensure that all policies and procedure within the guidelines of Health and Safety Executive are adhered to. The committee is guided by the Diocesan properties management committee. The committee also helps to draw up the maintenance schedule.
The parish council members are as follows:
Joe Mcilwee - Chairperson. Theresa Cowan - Vice Chairperson. Claire Hunter - Secretary. Eddie McCluskey - Society of Saint Vincent De Paul, Liaison Officer. Kevin O'Brien - Media Co-ordinating Officer. Sean McCole - Diocesan Liaison Officer. Parish Safeguarding Officer - Lucy Docherty.