Children's Liturgy - We are fortunate to have a small but dedicated group of volunteers who lead the younger members of our congregation in a simplified Liturgy of the Word at the 10.00am Mass. To find out more about helping with this group, please contact Fr. Thomas
Sewing Group - St. Joseph's is blessed to have a group of nimble-fingered ladies who furnish the church with purificators, altar and sanctuary hangings, commemorative baptismal bibs and maintain the First Holy Communion albs and tabards. The group welcomes anyone who would like to join them in this very practical form of service to the community.
Social Committee - The life of St. Joseph's is enhanced by several social events in the course of the year. From bingo, through quiz nights to dances, the social committee ensures that the parish not only prays together but plays together! See the parish bulletin for more details.
St. Vincent De Paul - St. Joseph's has its own SSVP Conference which acts as the main arm of our charitable outreach, ensuring that anyone in our community who finds themselves in need are able to access some material assistance from the parish community. The St. Joseph's Conference works in close collaboration with the SVDP groups in neighbouring parishes to offer a range of services from supportive home visits to providing furniture when it's needed.
Mobile number: 07598301885
E-mail: [email protected]
SSVP Scotland: Home - SSVP Scotland
Music Ministry - The Music Ministry have been providing the music at St Joseph’s weekend Masses, Holy Days, First Communion’s and of course Christmas, Holy Week and Easter for many years.
The Group have started practicing on the first and third Saturday of the month at 10:30am in the Church and anyone interested is welcome to come along.
If you are interested in joining, please contact us on via the parish facebook page or speak to one of the group members; you’ll be made very welcome!